Sunday, March 13, 2011


LOVE to catch my kids doing this: Connor is learning as such a rapid rate. He can write his name and is working his way through the alphabet. He is anxious to learn to read but til then, he's pretty good at making up his own story to go with the words. Tyler likes it anyway.

Even Aunt Thaidra got in on some of the action when she came to visit (again, way back in January). We LOVE having visitors. We get so caught up having fun we often neglect the camera. Perhaps if I had a better camera (*hint hint Carl) I could better capture the joy of our family experiences. ;)

Family Home Evening Board...finally

Back in January, I decided I was just going to start tackling the various projects I've been wanting to do for a while. I mentioned on facebook that I was excited about my first project which was going to be a family home evening board. Within a couple of responses and comments it was a full-fledged activity and there were several of us that got together to complete our boards. We painted boards, printed and affixed vinyl, and had a ball. So did the kiddos. There were 7 kids. The newest one, still an infant, hung out with Mom the whole time. The rest of the kids strangely gravitated to the other kids closest to their age. Connor and Kyleigh, Mason and Audrey, Tyler and Lily. And of course once the books were pulled out, there was little chance of escape for Samantha.

Here's how my board turned out. All I need now are the pictures for the key chains that will hang from each nob...oh yeah, and a couple more kids to fill all the jobs. :)


Carl doesn't particularly like the adjective "tired". According to him it sounds lazy. He prefers the word "spent" as in he's used up every last ounce of energy he possessed at the beginning of a day or week or project, etc. We've kept ourselves busy and occupied these last few months and this is what happens when you work and play your kids silly:They fall asleep upside down, hanging off their beds.

Part of January's energy was spent (only briefly because I had a Relief Society activity that night that I was in charge of) celebrating Carl's birthday. Tyler especially enjoys expending energy this way. I won't bore you with lovey-dovey-ness about Carl, suffice it to say, I've got a fantastic husband and I adore him. So do his kids.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And in February...

Warmer weather necessitates the use of the BBQ grill. Breaking out the grill necessitates roasting marshmallows which in turn requires some graham crackers and chocolate. Taking a break from staining our boards (for the garden box still in progress), we grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, and some "Giant Roasters". Marshmallow melty-ness made for rather gooey children but everyone had a great time and now I've added building patio furniture to my list of projects.
Let me tell you about the boys. When I'm out running errands I OFTEN get the question, "Are they twins?" Clearly I think this is a silly question since one is a whole head taller and 2 years older than the other BUT I guess the blond hair distracts from those differences and the other differences you can't really see, like their interest in sweets. Connor is quite content to refuse cookies, cupcakes, and other treats noting that "um, maybe later, I might get sick if I eat too much." On the other hand, Tyler would prefer his meals be made solely of sugar. We used to joke that he'd eat anything as long as it was drowning in syrup and it's not a far cry from the truth.

Below you will see our Valentine's Day. I didn't make too big of a deal out of it because truthfully I think it's a silly holiday. All the same, when the kids woke up there was a SMALL box of chocolates for each of them. Tyler couldn't rip it open fast enough and as I was explaining that they could partake of their chocolate delights following a nice healthy lunch, Tyler shoved one in his mouth. That was followed by shrill cries of terror as I removed the remaining chocolates from his hands.

What can I say, I'm weak. Tyler finished all 4 chocolates before even looking at his bowl of cereal. Connor took a small bite out of 1 chocolate, ate his cereal, then took a small bite out of the remaining 3 and declared he'd save the rest for later. Clearly his got his father's genes. Lesson learned: Deliver boxes of chocolates in the late afternoon, not bright and early like Christmas. I've never been so grateful for going small, at least there were only 4 chocolates per kid.


How's this for getting current - we had our Relief Society Birthday Celebration last night and here I am the next morning posting about it. It was fantastic. I wish more people could have been there to really enjoy it because it was wonderful. All the same, I think those of us who were there would agree it was well worth it.

I sewed 18" square table "runners" in various black and white fabrics. We topped it with square silver chargers, clay pots I painted black and trimmed with green ribbon with white polka dots. Cheap foam filled the inside of the pots and I topped them with some brown and green spanish moss. Thanks to Jessica and her mom's cricut cutting out 144 paper flowers was totally doable. We chose some fun hot pink scrapbook papers in different patterns and the RS Declaration to cut the flowers out of. Pink and silver balloons decorated the floor and made the whole feel of the room a little more festive.

The box below was to hold a couple of cupcakes for our guest speaker, Sister Carol Harries, the first counselor in our Stake Relief Society Presidency. She shared a beautiful message after which we moved to the cultural hall for our big cook off. Sisters entered 3 different categories and I wish I had a picture of everything but once things get started I'm too busy to even think about pictures. The very best chilis, cornbreads, and cupcakes of the Cullman Ward were devoured along with a nice green salad. No picture of the prizes but we gave the top 3 winners of each category a really nice wooden spoon tied with a gold, silver, or bronze ribbon and a tag noting what place they took in which category. I have to say, sometimes I really love my calling. More than that, I ADORE Relief Society. What other organization brings together the experience, age, wisdom, and joy of so many different lives and unites them for the greater good, for service to others, for friendship, for love, and for fellowship and learning. Relief Society was divinely inspired and appointed and I am forever grateful I get to be a part of it!
My friend Jessica and I have also been trying our hand at cake decorating. This last week we practiced piping cupcakes for the first time. It looks easy, but it really is an art. I just might have to practice a few more times to really get it down. ;)