Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And in February...

Warmer weather necessitates the use of the BBQ grill. Breaking out the grill necessitates roasting marshmallows which in turn requires some graham crackers and chocolate. Taking a break from staining our boards (for the garden box still in progress), we grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, and some "Giant Roasters". Marshmallow melty-ness made for rather gooey children but everyone had a great time and now I've added building patio furniture to my list of projects.
Let me tell you about the boys. When I'm out running errands I OFTEN get the question, "Are they twins?" Clearly I think this is a silly question since one is a whole head taller and 2 years older than the other BUT I guess the blond hair distracts from those differences and the other differences you can't really see, like their interest in sweets. Connor is quite content to refuse cookies, cupcakes, and other treats noting that "um, maybe later, I might get sick if I eat too much." On the other hand, Tyler would prefer his meals be made solely of sugar. We used to joke that he'd eat anything as long as it was drowning in syrup and it's not a far cry from the truth.

Below you will see our Valentine's Day. I didn't make too big of a deal out of it because truthfully I think it's a silly holiday. All the same, when the kids woke up there was a SMALL box of chocolates for each of them. Tyler couldn't rip it open fast enough and as I was explaining that they could partake of their chocolate delights following a nice healthy lunch, Tyler shoved one in his mouth. That was followed by shrill cries of terror as I removed the remaining chocolates from his hands.

What can I say, I'm weak. Tyler finished all 4 chocolates before even looking at his bowl of cereal. Connor took a small bite out of 1 chocolate, ate his cereal, then took a small bite out of the remaining 3 and declared he'd save the rest for later. Clearly his got his father's genes. Lesson learned: Deliver boxes of chocolates in the late afternoon, not bright and early like Christmas. I've never been so grateful for going small, at least there were only 4 chocolates per kid.


Tressa said...

Yeah for small Valentines. My kids just got Valentine socks and then we all shared a bag of conversations hearts that we are still trying to eat. I mentioned in the store to Ella that I thought Valentine's Day was just a way for companies to make more money and that I refused to buy all the little gimmicky treats/presents and I got a few looks from people whose carts were full of that stuff. Oh well I saved money.