Wednesday, March 9, 2011


How's this for getting current - we had our Relief Society Birthday Celebration last night and here I am the next morning posting about it. It was fantastic. I wish more people could have been there to really enjoy it because it was wonderful. All the same, I think those of us who were there would agree it was well worth it.

I sewed 18" square table "runners" in various black and white fabrics. We topped it with square silver chargers, clay pots I painted black and trimmed with green ribbon with white polka dots. Cheap foam filled the inside of the pots and I topped them with some brown and green spanish moss. Thanks to Jessica and her mom's cricut cutting out 144 paper flowers was totally doable. We chose some fun hot pink scrapbook papers in different patterns and the RS Declaration to cut the flowers out of. Pink and silver balloons decorated the floor and made the whole feel of the room a little more festive.

The box below was to hold a couple of cupcakes for our guest speaker, Sister Carol Harries, the first counselor in our Stake Relief Society Presidency. She shared a beautiful message after which we moved to the cultural hall for our big cook off. Sisters entered 3 different categories and I wish I had a picture of everything but once things get started I'm too busy to even think about pictures. The very best chilis, cornbreads, and cupcakes of the Cullman Ward were devoured along with a nice green salad. No picture of the prizes but we gave the top 3 winners of each category a really nice wooden spoon tied with a gold, silver, or bronze ribbon and a tag noting what place they took in which category. I have to say, sometimes I really love my calling. More than that, I ADORE Relief Society. What other organization brings together the experience, age, wisdom, and joy of so many different lives and unites them for the greater good, for service to others, for friendship, for love, and for fellowship and learning. Relief Society was divinely inspired and appointed and I am forever grateful I get to be a part of it!
My friend Jessica and I have also been trying our hand at cake decorating. This last week we practiced piping cupcakes for the first time. It looks easy, but it really is an art. I just might have to practice a few more times to really get it down. ;)


Tressa said...

What a fun activity it sounds like. Love the decorations and the cupcakes look yummy! Congratulations on a successful party but I must say that I still might prefer Primary over Relief Society. :)

jenny said...

Fun! Cute cupcakes! I want one :)