Friday, February 25, 2011

I like bugs and mud...

I've been on a gardening craze lately and a wonderful friend of ours gave us 3 beautiful blueberries. My kids eat them by the bushel so you can imagine my delight at their arrival to our house. We dug holes and planted the bushes a couple weeks ago
Oh yes, by the way, I cut and dyed my hair back in December.
The following weekend we bought some wood to make our raised garden beds. Connor enthusiastically played with the neighbors riding bikes and such and Tyler did really well wandering around the yard until we neared the end. In hopes of extending the time we had to spend on the project, Carl gave Tyler a bucket of water to play with as a distraction while we finished up a few things. Connor quickly joined in and within a few minutes, where there was once a 3-ft dirt spot at the side of the yard, there was a large sinkhole. Connor fared pretty well and was thrilled to be assisting Tyler in his first true mud experience.

As you can see, Tyler was a little less enthusiastic. He was actually stuck in the mud, his shoes fully suctioned to the hole, and unable to dodge the mud that Connor was repeated flinging his direction. There was a great slurping sound when Carl pulled him out and he cried because though it was fun for a while, Tyler doesn't REALLY like to be dirty for too terribly long.
And no, the garden isn't in quite yet. I was forced to turn my attention to mud-drenched children and we tossed in the towel for the night. Maybe this weekend... :)


Tressa said...

It looks like a fun time at your house. I want to come! So will you post pictures of your garden when it's completed? That's exciting about the blueberries--yummy.

Michelle said...

yeah! a post!!! hahah I totally saw the pic of your hair and said to myself, "hey, she cut her hair and dyed looks cute" only to read you little sentence below. Kinda funny...anyways, way to go on the gardening...can't wait to come out and eat your blueberries! hahah

Tamera said...

Oh little boys and mud. They are attracted to it. Glad to hear from you guys.

Rachel D said...

Jealous. We did the Square Foot Garden thing a couple of years ago. A friend of a friend owns an organic nursery, so the boys and I had fun going to the farm to pick out starts. unfortunately our dog kept getting in the beds to eat the food and crushed a lot of the plants.

We also have two blueberry bushes. They took about three years to really produce, but when it's season, I love sending my boys out with a little tub each morning to pick berries for breakfast.

Leah said...

We've been on a gardening frenzy too! We've got all kinds of peas and beans, squash, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, blackberries, and strawberries! Isn't it fun getting the little ones involved? I don't know how much they actually help but it's fun being together!

Noel said...

Gardening looks like fun!:) Oh, and just thought you should know that you look amazing! Love your new hair!