Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Dashing Prince

Well we are here. And sweet home Alabama it is...or at least it will be when the house closes. After four long days of driving, 2 days stuck in a hotel, and another 3-4 days of driving all day long to look at houses, we are excited and anxious to truly settle down WITH our furniture. Of course THAT won't happen for another few weeks. Thankfully, the air mattresses only need to be re-pumped once a week and there's a large rug in the tile living room of the temporary apartment we're staying in. Who knew that some of the lessons I learned on my mission would come in so handy later. 1. Hanging out on the floor isn't so bad and 2. You can do anything for a transfer (6 weeks). :) Staring at what the near future holds for us helps too.
And for your entertainment I record the following which occurred during dinner last night:

Connor: Tell me the story of Mommy and Daddy are married. Tell me that one.

Carl: Well, many years ago there was a dashingly handsome young prince who ruled the land. One day he met a peasant girl who intrigued him. She was lovely but he had to keep their relationship a secret because of their vastly different stations in society. Finally he gave up his kingdom and all he had to be with her.

Connor: Noooo, the one where Mommy and Daddy are married. THAT one.

Me: (Knowing full well what he wants to here, not some lame and highly inaccurate version of our dating history) Well, when Mommy and Daddy got married, they decided they wanted to have a little baby. So they asked Heavenly Father to please send them a baby and He said if they were very patient, He would send them a beautiful, happy baby just for them. So we waited and waited and waited and the special day came but we had to wait another 10 and then finally, Heavenly Father sent you to our family and we were SO happy.

Connor: Yeah, that one. Tell me again Mommy. And Jesus can send us another baby. One for me and one for Tyler and for Mommy and for Daddy.

Me: Well, if you want to have another baby in our family, you certainly can pray to Heavenly Father and ask him to send another baby to our family, but maybe just ask for one baby, not four.

Connor: Mom, I'm all done, may I be excused so I can say my prayers and ask Heavenly Father to send me a baby?

Me: Sure.

Connor (now from in his room): Heavenly Father. Please send me a baby to our family for me and Tyler and Mommy and Daddy. And I will be really patient so you can send me a baby. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

We have nothing to announce, but we'll keep you posted should something unexpected happen.
Coming soon (once we move into the house): catching up on all the things I have pictures of but haven't blogged about because we've been in transit. Connor did turn 3, we partied in California, we packed up and moved from Idaho, and we managed to not lose our camera during the process.


Sarah said...

Is that your house?! So pretty!

I have a friend who came because of an older sisters prayer for a baby! Her parents thought they were done (already had four kids) but one of their daughters wanted another sister. The parents were getting annoyed so the little girl said she was just going to stop asking them (her parents) and go ask Heavenly Father...and voila! She got a sister!

Brenda said...

I really liked both stories!!

Janet said...

Your home is BEAUTIFUL! I love red brick. I'm so happy for you. We all learned great lessons in Korea, didn't we? Jenny is in Atlanta for the summer where her husband is selling security systems. Michael was just in the Hill Cumorah Pageant and will be going to BYUH in the fall and then on a mission in February. I'm proud of the wonderful mother you are to your cute boys!

Sister Rife

Josie said...

that house looks awesome!

...and you totally had me thinking you had an annoucement hah

Dyanna Stephens said...

That is so cute. Connor wants another sibling. Congratulations on making your way from Idaho to Alabama.

The Smith Family said...

SO is that the new place? It looks beautiful! I LOVE Connor's sweet conversation and prayer. Too sweet. And Carl's version of "your story" is cute too. Glad you're getting all settled, can't wait to hear all about the past few weeks!

Tamera said...

So glad you posted. I'm glad things are going so well for you guys. We miss you!

Rachel D said...

Oooh...that's beatutiful! I think I'm supposed to wait and say congrats after the house closes, but that's such a beauty that I hope you don't mind me complimenting you on your find right now. :) Makes me miss Southern architecture. Looks like your boys have some running room with that yard, too!

(I'll try to keep my future blog comments to the "I love the Gaufins" sort, not the "I miss the South" sort, but no promises.) :)

Pretty much everything my boys have fervently prayed for, they've gotten. So good luck with that. :) Your son is too cute. Can't wait to hear more and see more pics!

Jane said...

Looks like dreams are coming true for you! So happy for the Carl Gaufins and the house is gorgeous! Can't wait to chat!!!

Lisa said...

What a gorgeous home! And a smart little boy! So happy for you guys.