Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama!

Photography by Amanda Downs - she graciously did our family pictures while we were in CA a few weeks ago.

We've been a busy bunch these last few weeks and I have loads of pictures to prove it. I plan to blog about all of our crazy "summer" adventures but not until we're in the thick of this next one which is moving to ALABAMA! After months and months of dueling with my patience, hundreds of job applications, hours of prayer, and a lot of long nights, we were blessed to be offered a great job in Cullman, Alabama. The plan is to move next week, I mean why not keep things exciting. Thanks to all of our family and friends who shared their 2 cents with Heavenly Father. We'll miss you all but can't wait to see you in ALABAMA! Come visit anytime!


Dyanna Stephens said...

Well, Congratulations! You'll be about 12 hours away from me! :) I don't know how you're traveling, but if you drive through the Dallas area you can stop and see us or stay the night if you need to.

Melody said...

Wow! What a fun adventure! Congrats on the great opportunity!

Genevieve Beck said...

Congratulations! What an exciting change. Good luck this week!

Emily Gerow said...

yeah for moving to the south! we'll only be 12 hours away in Houston. Congrats on the job and good luck with the move!

Michelle said...

Congrats to you guys! I'm really happy for you both and can't wait to hear about all the adventures you'll be having in Alabama!
PS..your only 7 hours and 43 mins away from us now..that's totally do-able! Love ya!

Emily said...

Wow! Is it just for the summer? Carl's not done with his program yet, is he? Anyway, how exciting! Good luck on your move!

The Smith Family said...

It'll sure be exciting, I'm sure it'll be a new way of life as only the south can be! Wow. I was hoping I'd be a bit closer to you when we move in a year...but 11 hrs away is still SO far! However, I was told by a friend that the best beach in the world in Gulf Shores, AL (8 hr drive from me when we go to Houston) so maybe we can meet up there....if the oil hasn't destroyed everything! UGH! Anyway, good luck with it all. I wish I could see you on your trek east!

Samantha said...

I knew Carl in I follow your blog (hope that's okay) Anyway...I just wanted to tell you that you are going to LOVE the south. We just moved back to Utah from Houston area and can't wait to get back as soon as my husband finishes school. People are so nice and everything is so laid back. I'm so Jealous!

Josie said...

So excited for you. And I can't believe how grown up your boys look. Can't wait to see you! Happy packing.

Leah said...

I knew it! I'm super excited for you guys! Have fun!!!!