Sunday, August 29, 2010

These are a few of Carl's favorite things (at least this past week)...

1) Wasp and hornet spray. The beauty of this is that it puts you at least 27 feet away from all of those nasties living under the eave of your house giving one plenty of time to scream and run like a girl before the ones you missed can catch up to you and wreak vengence on the wrong that you brought onto their colony.

2) Eliminator: Ant, Roach and Spider Spray. A true chemist’s delight. This beautiful product gives one at least a 75% increase in confidence as he goes out to confront the entertainment center left on the porch by the previous owner.

3) The Black Flag fly swatter of death. Coupled with the above mentioned can-of-joy, this boosts ones bravery to a solid 95%. In the rare event that one of the critters is immune to the initial chemical onslaught, this is used as the last line of defense between either your family (or yourself) and it. Not to mention this is also handy for air-to-air combat when one can’t use spray as it might get blown back on you.

4) The Lord of the Rings soundtrack. Honestly, listening to this while suiting up before going to battle is often enough to give one the last remaining 5% of strength needed to face that creepy crawly dark world that lies beyond our back door.


Michelle said...

LOL...LOL...ok the Lord of the Rings soundtrack did it for me...freakin hilarious! hahhaha