Friday, February 5, 2010

In the meantime...

It's true, I'm lazy, but I've also neglected the blog because we've been a little busy with the following:

Fighting monsters and hiding out in our "monster" cave,
fighting colds and growing teeth which has incidentally awakened us at least 3 times a night for about a week,
protecting the world (this is "Iron Man"),

calling Grandmas,
working on my calling (Visiting Teaching Coordinator person),

And just loving each other to pieces.

I have also been working out religiously (lost 10 lbs, yay me), reading like crazy (definitely recommend The Hunger Games and its sequel Catching Fire), working up the courage to actually cut the material I bought for Connor's quilt, and generally entertaining myself while Carl is gone at work and school from 8am to 10pm Monday through Thursday and 6-8 hours on Fridays and Saturdays. Maintaining sanity by whatever means necessary has become top priority but doing well and are thrilled it's only for 1 semester.


Tressa said...

Don't be afraid to cut. You have a ruler so your cuts will be straight. Be consistent how you line things up and it will be just fine :). Or come on down here and we'll just play, cut, and sew :) hehehe

Unknown said...

What a cute post! It looks like your little guys have so much fun together. We've been dealing with teething, colds, and stomach flu around here. It's that time of year. I am definitely hoping for a straight 6 hours of sleep one of these nights! :) Hang in there as you manage being a single mom the majority of the time. Know you'll do great... And it doesn't sound like you've been lazy at all.

Michelle said...

Super Mom doo doo doo doo dooooo! Wow Kristen...your amazing and losing the 10 lbs on top of go girl! Love ya

Melody said...

LOVE Hunger Games and Catching Fire! Marcos loved them also. I hear they're making a Hunger Games movie, too. Can you imagine the rating if it's true to the book?! Great story, though. And I can never decide if i like Gale or Peeta better. :)

Michelle McKeehan said...

Hi! Your blog is also so cute. It seems like we all only ever update it every once in a while. When you have kids, it's hard to find more than 3 minutes in a row to concentrate on anything you want to do. Awesome for the 10 lbs! I gained 42 this pregnancy and I'm 9 weeks postpartum and have only lost half of it so far. So if you have a special secret, let me in on it!!! :) love ya

Emily said...

Hi Kristen! I totally miss you and my kids miss playdates already. I'm glad you liked Hunger Games and holy cow good job for losing 10 pounds! Thanks again for everything you did for me two weeks ago (doesn't it already feel like it was months ago?).