Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Summer" Vacation

This would be a picture from the wedding we attended in California over the holidays. Notice the short sleeves? We didn't wear a coat the entire time we were there. To be fair, the girls were a little chilly but overall the weather was wonderful! We had a great time visiting with our families and Connor was spoiled rotten with cousins and grandparents so close to play with all the time.
We have since returned to reality (please note the appropriate outside attire) with super long days, no grandparents or cousins, and the constant desire to sleep just 30 more minutes in the morning before it all starts again. On the positive side, Tyler cut his first tooth and started crawling and cruising and Connor and identify the color blue fairly consistently. Carl is pulling 14 hour days between work and study and classes and somehow manages to get up with me at 5:30am to read and exercise (hence the desire for an extra 30 minutes every morning). In case you were wondering, our family theme this year is "Bring it!".
May all your dreams for 2010 come true! :)


The Smith Family said...

Your cute little boys aren't so little anymore, gosh they grow too quick! How nice that you got to go to CA for the holidays! Hang in there with those long winter days! I'm only a phone call away...and I know about long winter days too!:) Love ya!

Melody said...

It was so great to see you guys! Getting up at 5:30 to read and exercise?! I guess that leaves me without excuses. Gee, thanks a lot. :)

Caralee (CJ) Waddell said...

Um... Bring what exactly? ? I can't believe Tyler is THAT BIG already and Lucas misses his buddy Connor whom won't beat him up, yet can still play like a boy with him! More explaining later.

Brenda said...

We miss you all!