Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day to Us...

Well, in another round of exciting events at the Gaufin household, the evening of Valentine's Day was spent in the ER.

Pain. Intense and panic-causing pain.
Gall stones?
Surgery? Great, how's next week? I've had two c-sections, how bad can it be?
For those who are curious if I ever got around to breaking out my new sewing supplies and cutting out the pieces for Connor's quilt, the answer is yes. I even sewed a pillowcase to keep me motivated.

In other news, Connor is learning his colors like a champ. I originally made these "monsters" thinking I'd get them laminated but laziness and my cheapy gene got the better of me. I stuck these paper monsters all over his room and now we practice shooting, or in Connor's vernacular "BOOM"-ing, the blue monster or green or whatever color I choose.

Snow angels, inside batting "cage", building snowmen (ok, ok, I'm in the picture but Carl's the one who froze his hands to help Connor make it, Tyler and I just jumped in for the glory), and tackling each other is what keeps us entertained these days. Can I just say yay for warming trends?


Leah said...

You are so creative!! Where do you get your ideas?!! Do you have a date set for the surgery?

S+S said...

your monsters are so adorable...And I'm so sorry to hear you spent v-day in the hosptial. Hope you're better now.

Michelle said... the monsters! Hope your now a pain free monster shooter! Get well my friend!

Rachel D said...

Sorry to hear about the painful ending to your V-day celebration. Hope your surgery went/goes well. We'll get an update post, I presume? In the meantime, hope you get some reading time in while you're recovering in your room. :)