Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The big night!

We celebrated Halloween in a sort of medieval fashion this year. Connor was a knight complete with cape, sword, shield, "armor" and chainmail. Tyler was a dragon. The sword and shield are out of cardboard (yay for diaper boxes). I painted them silver and then stenciled a dragon and stars on the shield. I also made the tunic, "armor", chainmail, AND my proudest sewing accomplishment yet, the CAPE! What little boy doesn't thrive in a silver-lined cape.
Our sweet little dragon.

Connor's sword bent in half within 30 seconds of him holding it. He decided the vacuum attachment made a better accessory and hasn't put it down much since his discovery. He even asked to sleep with it a few nights ago.
Trick or treating was a big hit, not so much for the candy but for the running from house to house wielding his sword in a frightful manner. They learn quick about that attention thing. Connor was very pleased with all the reactions he got on his little costume. He also did a FABULOUS job of remembering to tell everyone thank you.
Best of all, he only had a handful of treats in his bucket because half the time he'd leave the front door without getting anything because he was in too big a hurry to keep up with all the other kids who were taking off for the next house.
Finally, for all those wondering: I survived Halloween without a stitch. I'm over four months without chocolate now. How's THAT for self-discipline?!


Tressa said...

I love the costumes! I especially like the cape (maybe I need I silver lined cape, too :)). Is his head piece made of bubble wrap? So cute. Way to go on the no chocolate thing. Wahoo!

Josie said...

4 months!

I think I've cleared about 4 hours. Luckily Dave doesn't have too big of a stash!

Thaidra said...

Very cute costumes! Good job on the no chocolate. You are doing great!