Wednesday, November 4, 2009


When I told Carl the other day that I needed larger containers than the boxes I had to hold my crafting and sewing supplies Carl informed me that the answer wasn't bigger or more containers it was finishing the 500 projects I'd already started. I took his challenge and have been rather busy lately. Some were new projects and some were old but lots of them are getting done!
Connor's cape (with a velcro closure)I can't take credit for designing the dragon, I found the picture online, but I did cut it out and stencil it on there myself...that's something, right?This would be my new fabulous library bag. Ok, so I didn't actually make the bag, just the ladybug (it's all felt) which I made to cover up the lame logo that was printed on the bag. The bag was a give away at some event, but now it's usuable and is the perfect size to hold all 29 books I seem to walk away with every time I go to the library. :)
Ok, she doesn't look nearly as cute as my mother in law's which is where I got the idea but overall I'd say it's a thrifty, yet cute Halloween decoration.

I have also finished a baby blanket, a table cloth, and a table runner. Next on the list: the quilt project I had planned to do for Connor BEFORE Tyler got here...oops. After that it's on to all new things. I get all tingly inside just thinking about it!


The Smith Family said...

Wow, I'm impressed by Connor's abilities to trash his bedroom. Boys are amazing, eh?:) I LOVE all your craftiness! I'm getting in the crafty mood too--I think the little witch is the perfect 'enrichment' idea...thanks for that!:) And the boys look like they had a fun Halloween, they are too cute!

Rachel D said...

Go Martha! I mean, Kristen!