Friday, July 1, 2011

Be prepared

Be prepared for overload, I finally made collages of all my pictures so I could upload them and tell the world (code: record for posterity) our latest happenings. Remember way back in March when I celebrated a birthday with my eye practically being scratched out of its socket? Yeah, well a couple days BEFORE that, my adorable friend Jessica and her mom invited me over to do the fondue dance of joy. We had cheese fondue with potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, brussel sprouts (which were surprisingly good), red onions, french bread, apples, & pears. I know if you look closely you can probably see there are mushrooms on the tray but given my distaste for fungi, I purposefully ignored them, there was plenty of other stuff to indulge in.

And indulge we did, until we couldn't fit another single bite into our tummies. Then we tried the Tongan roll, moved around a bit, and prepared ourselves for round 2: white chocolate fondue with strawberries, apples, bananas, pears, and marshmallows. And as long as we were indulging, I might as well not leave out the fact that we giggled like school girls through the finale of the Bachelor. What could be a better way to celebrate another year of greatness! Thanks friends! :)