Thursday, September 9, 2010

You know you've been wanting to see

So we're here. We've moved in. We've unpacked boxes and started "normal" life again. I've even started hanging pictures on the walls, a true sign of being settled. And while it takes a while to collect all the furniture you need to fill up/organize the chaos in a new house, especially when moving from a small apartment, I know you've all been dying to see the progress. ;) Ok, perhaps it hasn't been burning a hole in your mind, but all the same, here's the pictures of the playroom, or at least what it looks like when it's clean which has been far less frequent than I'd prefer.
And the new rug we bought for the "formal dining room" which is actually going to be the "piano room". I love it!


Natalie said...

Wow, looks great! I love both rooms, and the rugs. Can't wait to see more!

Michele said...

Glad to see you are settling in! Hope all continues to go well.
~Lafferre Family

Josie said...

oh wow. Totally jealous...and excited for you at the same time!

Rachel D said...

Pics of one room?


j/k. Looks beautiful! Those floors are gorgeous. and I'm jealous of your piano. We're still making do with a keyboard. If I hear its demo song one more time, I may just throw it out the window.

Glad you're settling in so well. How do you like the area?

Emily said...

Hooray for having a toy room! I love the rug too; it's beautiful. Please post more pics. :D

Dyanna Stephens said...

Play rooms are supposed to messy... its the one room out of the entire house that there is always a GREAT excuse for it to messy, "it's the kids' playroom" LOL!
It looks great!

Michelle McKeehan said...

Holy Cow I am so excited for you!!! Your home is gorgeous and your boys are adorable. Keep posting more! I want to see the kitchen and all the other rooms :)
Love Ya