Sunday, June 13, 2010

Number 2 turns 1

He's only 1 but boy does he have his favorites. As a result, we celebrated Tyler's first birthday with a bounteous supply of syrup. He downed 2, yes 2 pieces of french toast for breakfast and as you can see, he felt pretty good about it.Dinner was less heartily received by Tyler but scored big points with Connor so we took a picture and moved on to the good stuff but not before the beloved tradition of a song and a wish. Connor was only too happy to oblige. He still giggles with delight every time he sees the video.

A fan of cupcakes for their ease and consistent portion sizes, we doled one out to Tyler and let him have at it. A little hesitant at first, I think syrup has found a rival in Tyler's life. Last but not least we let the little guy open a present. Connor loved it more than Tyler did (typical) but Tyler eventually caught on and had fun watching Connor.
We can't believe it's already been a year since this beautiful little boy entered our lives. He is one of the best snugglers to grace the earth. I adore his dimpled smile which is nearly always present. He has such an easy going nature and mellow personality and is pure joy to be around. Happy Birthday little buddy! May this year bring even greater happiness and joys than the last. We love you!


Josie said...

One already!? Wow!

And by the way...I totally love that he has snowman wrapping paper for his June birthday. That's totally something I do.

Connor is so grown up!

Happy birthday Tyler!

The Smith Family said...

They sure do grow up too quickly! Happy Birthday to Tyler!

Emily said...

Wow! I can't believe he's one! Happy Birthday Tyler!

Dyanna Stephens said...

I can hardly believe that Tyler is already one! Happy Birthday Tyler!