Monday, May 17, 2010

Around Town

Even though it did snow in May, we've seen a few beautiful days and took full advantage. The kids LOVE going to the park. Connor is getting better and better at hitting the ball without his tee and has taken up a new love: soccer. Tyler, of course, just loves being able to crawl after whatever balls Connor isn't playing with. We must give an official shout-out to Carl's sister Tressa and her family for introducing us to the wonderful world of Amish Baked Oatmeal. My kids adore it, probably because it tastes like a big oatmeal cookie and they get to down half a bag of blueberries. So thank you Spigs for sharing the joy!

Sometimes it's hard to know what to do with all my spare time [dripping with sarcasm] but every once in a while I get it in my head that doing something time-consuming and difficult will be worth it. Idaho Falls Magazine had their annual cook-off and 1 of the 10 categories had a stare down with me until I agreed to enter. Thus my Classic New York Cheesecake. I didn't win and I blame it on the judges (duh!) for not truly sampling my creation. Below you will see the missing area of the cheesecake that supposedly represents 5, yes FIVE, judges "tastes" of my cheesecake. I know that they had 15 cheesecakes to taste but come on! Oh well, I had a great time regardless.

While we waited for votes to be cast and tallied, we walked around downtown Idaho Falls, fed the geese, indulged in free ice cream from Reed's Dairy (wish we could take that place with us wherever we move), and proving the judges wrong by delightfully devouring a good portion of the cheesecake that was left.
In our efforts to fatten up poor 2nd percentile Tyler (the kid barely weighs 18 lbs...guess no forward-facing car seat for a couple more months... :( ) we let Tyler sink his teeth into anything he'll agree too, which includes his own piece of cheesecake. We think he liked it. :)
P.S. Carl successfullly completed the semester of insanity on Friday. We are so thrilled to have Carl back, we've almost overdone it with the family bonding ... maybe that's not possible. ;)


Michelle said...

yeah..yeah..and more yeah! Those judges taste buds were out of wack girl (cold weather does that to you..haha j/k)..your cheescake is the bomb!! are looking more hot with that long hair of yours!

Emily said...

Hooray for Carl being done with his semester!!! I miss Reid's Dairy, by the way, so thanks for rubbing it in. :D Your cheesecake is gorgeous and so are you! Your hair is so pretty with those long waves.

Vanessa said...

I have had your cheesecake, and those judges were obviously out of their minds! And you look GORGEOUS! miss ya.

Melody said...

Your cheesecake looks amazingly delicious. And your hair looks beautiful! And I just love pictures of your boys. They are the cutest little hams. :)

Tamera said...

Looks like you guys are having fun. I love the look of the cake and bet it tasted delicious!

Josie said...

I was jsut reading this post when Dave crawled up in my lap. He stuck his tongue out at the appropriate pictures and I asked if he remembered the little boy. After a minute...CONNNNNNNNOOOOOOORRRRRR

Ahh. Miss you guys.