Friday, February 26, 2010

Surgery, sewing, and swimming

So it's gone. No gallbladder. Now, instead, my stomach is puffy and full of air. I'm told that will lessen within a few days. For now, it's hard to sleep. Other than that, surgery went fine and I'm well on my way to being fit enough to rearrange my furniture. In the days preceding my surgery I spent a LOT of time sewing. I'm not so great at sewing so it probably took me much longer than your typical seamstress BUT I'm excited about the projects I'm working on and feel like I'm slowly improving. My brother and sister-in-law (who never read my blog...I don't think) are having their first baby in May. It's a little girl and they've chosen a safari theme with the colors teal and brown. This is the quilt I'm working on for them:
The top.

The bottom.
This is the tag blanket I finished up today. I'm so excited to have a little niece and a new baby (that's not mine) on MY side of the family! So exciting!

The boys and I have kept busy as usual building humongous block towers and tunnels and entire cities. Connor and I build them up and Tyler does the remodeling.
For some reason Connor thought if he took off his shirt and pants I'd let him go swimming. Poor kid.


Unknown said...

Look at you, surgery can't even keep you down. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Love the blankets - such creativity! :)

Josie said...

Glad to hear you're recovering well. Love those blankets!

Emily said...

I'm glad to hear that your surgery went well! Wish I could be there to steal your boys for a morning or two while you recover. They are so cute! Ben must be on the same wavelength as Connor because he totally did the same thing yesterday (took all his clothes off and wanted to go swimming). And your blankets are super cute, by the way. You are so talented!

Caralee (CJ) Waddell said...

YOu are such the seamstress now! Glad to hear that you are recovering well too; I was worried that you'd be on your back for at least a week and wondered how you'd be able to handle the kids like that! You are quite resilient Kristen!

Adele said...

Swimming... in Idaho in February! Haha!! Unfortunately we still have months before swimming will happen in Idaho! Here's hoping for warmer weather sooner! Those blankets are so pretty!

Leah said...

Adorable sewing projects! Cute kid for wanting to go swimming!! :)

Kirsten said...

Oh my goodness!!! I hope you are feeling much better now. Surgery is never easy or fun, especially when your the mom!! I hope you are recovering well and resting lots!

Your quilts are amazing!!!!! Holy cow! I love them. It's nice to have some down time to get stuff done. I am still working on a quilt from December!!!!

Rachel D said...

LOVE the sewing projects. And so nice and straight - far from my "I'm getting impatient! Let's just be done with it!" style. You've inspired me to try a taggie style. :)

Glad to hear surgery went well. What did your boys think of it all? Happy healing!