Friday, June 8, 2012

Looking Back...

Looking back I have to say that I am extremely grateful I won't be doing this again.  The 24 hr. period following the c-section was miserable at best.  I will spare you the details of that and instead dwell on the wonder of our newest little member of the family.
 Once I recovered from the first 24 hours, I was anxious to go home and join the rest of my band of boys there.  My mom was able to come out and be with us for a couple weeks and that was a HUGE blessing and help.  I'm not quite sure how I would have done it without her.  By the time she left I was able to move around considerably better but I still had to be very careful.

I don't remember the first visit of the boys.  I vaguely remember that they came by but I was so sick from surgery and anesthesia that I rely on the following pictures to "remember" their first reactions to their new baby brother.
Admittedly, Tyler asked a week later when heading out for a check up for Zachary if we were taking him back to the hospital.  I explained that we were taking him to the dr. and then we'd be bringing him home with us again because he was part of our family now.  There was some protest on Tyler's part but it soon gave way to lots of hugs and kisses and declarations of, "He's SOOOOO cute Mom!".