Monday, October 10, 2011

The rumors are true...

I suppose now is as good a time as ever to announce our expectation of the newest little Gaufin to our family come the end of April next year.  After about a year and a half of patiently hoping, we are excited and thrilled to be expanding our family. :)  Connor is hoping for a girl and Tyler has no idea what we're talking about.  Carl is excited we get to buy the "family" size boxes of drumsticks (yes, the ice cream) rather than the 4-pack and I'm pretty much just hoping to get through the first trimester alive (morning sickness stinks).  All in all we're a happy little bunch, anxiously awaiting Christmas when we'll hopefully find out if we should hang on to the boy clothes or start looking for the hand-me-down girl clothes in the mail! :)


Natalie said...

Congrats! Of course, I'm hoping for a girl, because we have two boys followed by a girl and it is so much fun! :)

Emily said...

Congrats!!!! That's so exciting!

Sarah said...


Leah said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you guys! LOVE Carl's comment about the drumsticks!

Dyanna Stephens said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for your guys. Hopefully, it's a girl this time around. :)

Sarah said...


Unknown said...

What exciting news! I hope you start feeling better soon. Each time I'm pregnant and sick, I swear it's my last time... And then the memories seem to fade. Keep us posted on future news! :)

Genevieve Beck said...

That is wonderful news! Congratulations and I hope the 1st trimester yuckiness clears up soon!

Michele said...

congratulations! Best of luck!