Monday, August 8, 2011

Birthday Madness

So in the mode of catching up still, WAY back in May we celebrated Tyler's 2nd Birthday!  With Connor's birthday close behind in June, my mom sent the boys a water table to enjoy and enjoy did they ever.  Their favorite part?  Yep, scooping and dumping the water on each other. :)

 We started the day off with balloons and presents. Tyler was elated - his very own backpack (which he still wears all the time), Curious George movie, and a set of tools all his own. 

Of course you can't have a birthday without cake and ice cream.  I made a chocolate fudge monkey cake with cream cheese frosting.  It must have passed because Tyler begged for more.

And what better follow up to a birthday than some quality time with friends.  My adorable friend Leah and her cute daughter Lily came to visit.  We pulled out the pool and some floaties and the kids went crazy...until the crushed crackers got dumped in the pool and killed the mood.  :)  After only a couple of days, the fun was over and we started making plans for the next visit. 


Melissa said...

Looks like lots of fun! Your boys are getting so big! Mixed feelings with that, I'm sure. And fun that a buddy could come visit you. Lily reminds me of Brian's little sister, many years ago. What an odd flashback that was for me today! :) We need to catch up again soon.

Noel said...

Um, I LOVE the new blog format! The owls are so cute-as are your boys!