Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy? Birthday

I nearly got my eye poked out. Happy Birthday to me. Really. We rented MegaMind from Redbox to watch with the kids. It was hilarious. Tyler thought so too and during a particularly funny part, while sitting on my lap of course, he threw his hands up in the air in excitement and in the process slashed my cornea with his fingernail. I watched the rest of the movie with my hand over my injured eye and when I couldn't sleep because the pain was too much, we headed for the ER to make sure there wasn't serious damage. Long story short they sent me home a while later with my eye temporarily numbed to wait out the recovery of a scratched cornea. I spent the next day, my birthday, lounging on the couch with the lights off and blinds drawn, and my eyes mostly closed. To make me feel better though, Carl added a pair of safety goggles to some new books and a mound of banana muffin cupcakes with homemade (by Carl) whipped frosting. 3 days later I was back to normal, but a big thanks to my guys for letting me kick it and lay low during recovery. Can't say it was my best birthday ever, but it was definitely one to remember. :)


Tressa said...

Kristen, you seriously know how to spend holidays/celebrations. :)

Tamera said...

What a way to celebrate! Hope you had a great birthday - even with the injury. Love the safety goggles. :)

Leah said...

Phooey! Not a fun way to celebrate your birthday! Maybe we can have a 're-do' when I'm out there next month! :)

Thaidra said...

Welcome to the gaufin family. We seem to have a knack for spending holidays/special occasions in the hospital. :) Glad to hear your eye is doing better! Hope you all fairing out okay after the crazy storms down there.

karen said...

Happy birthday (really late!). Sorry about the eye. That is so crazy! The same thing just happened to my BIL. It's the pits. I' hope you are doing better now.