Friday, November 12, 2010

Relief Society Meeting...

Moving into a new ward definitely has some perks - you get to meet new people and you get start over. We're really excited about our ward here in Alabama and I think the feeling must be mutual because I was just called to be the 2nd Counselor in Relief Society (my FAVE!) and Carl was called to be the Young Men's President. Carl had been hoping to lay low til the semester was over and blames me for his calling:

Me: Why am I responsible?
Carl: YOU did this, all your getting to know people and girls' nights. You drew attention to the family.
Me: Hmm, my bad, want to hear what we're doing for our monthly mid-week RS meeting??

I can't think of many callings I'd rather have. I've become rather accustomed to planning events and I LOVE to research new ideas for Relief Society activities. Our first activity was a finance night with a "Feeding the Pig & Growing Your Money Tree" theme. We had 3 speakers to talk about:

1. Distinguishing Between Wants and Needs
2. Living on a Shoestring & Frugal Living
3. Becoming wise stewards of our Financial Resources In between speakers we had a couple of "ice-breaker" games relating to finance. I tossed out candy to the first person to pull out a credit card, a checkbook, a receipt, a coupon, cash, calculator, etc. For the second game, I tossed out candy to people who had a budget and kept to it for a month, had a balanced checkbook, had contributed to savings this month, were completely debt free, etc.

Overall I'd chalk it up to a huge success. We celebrated of course with refreshments, million dollar pie. I LOVE my calling!


Kim said...

I had that calling in my last ward and it was like my worst nightmare. You are crazy. :)

Emily Gerow said...

wow, how do you do it all? you amaze me!!!

Michelle said...

oh my gosh! I'm so leaking your ideas to our RS..wait..I'm in primary..that won't work! Well anyways..totally brillant ideas! You rock girl!