Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Good News...

We're still here. And in the next few days (hopefully) you'll be so informed about what we've been up to, you won't feel bad that I've been a horrible blogger these last few months.

To sum up September, we've been making friends...
building stuff...crafting...and just hanging out with Carl whenever we get the chance (we'll all be so thrilled when this last and final semester is over, especially Carl!)
Betcha can't wait to see what we did in October. ;)


Justin, Jessica, Kyleigh & Mason said...

Mason is so little in this pic!! Can't wait to see what you've been up to in Oct ;-)

Leah said...

You're right! I can't wait to see what y'all did in October! Great pictures! Again, darling boys!!!!

Emily said...

Oooh, I love your "Gaufin" in frames. I may have to copy that idea so thanks for the inspiration.

And, holy cow Tyler is looking so old! It's been way too long since we've seen you guys (we miss you!), but I'm glad you're making new friends. Can't wait to see what else you've been up to!

Deanne said...

Kristen, I'm the mother to the Moore2Love daddy....your blog looks great and I have to peek every now and again for your great ideas!

Right now I want to copy your "Gaufin" in frames idea, too. Can we get some instructions, maybe? Did you make a special mantel for the frames, did you attach the frames to the wall or to the others in any way, where did you find all the awesome frames without paying big bucks, and anything else we should know?

Also the witches bash is a must do on my 2011 calendar. What a kick! Perhaps our Leah (oh, I love having her in our little town!) can help me plan one for the gals here in our neck of the woods...all you "kids" sure make the grandma hearts happy!!!!