Friday, November 12, 2010

Followed by California

These are my girls. The four of us lived together for a year while I was in grad school after my mission. They became some of my very closest friends. As they will attest, there was just something incredibly special about that apartment so when the last of us got engaged, we made every effort to reunite for her wedding. Slumber party the night before Amanda's wedding.

We made her try on her dress for us since none of us lived nearby during the engagement and wedding planning. Leah was in Nevada and had just barely moved back to Cali, Michelle came from South Carolina, and I flew in from Alabama.

And though time was VERY limited (I flew in late Thursday night and back out early Sunday morning), I did get to stay and spend some time with my favorite brother and his talented and cool wife and SUPER cute little baby girl. My dad also joined us when he could.

The wedding was fun, probably mostly because I got to reunite with so many people I love. Jane and I grabbed breakfast super early to get a good catch-up chat in and I got a chance to visit with Bishop Perkins as well who had a significant hand in Carl and I finally getting married. I just wish I had had more time to be able to see everybody. There will be a next time!

Too busy to do what I'd originally planned for my hair (I was a bridesmaid), my sister-in-law pulled out her mad skills and created this masterpiece. I thought it was so much fun!

The time went by far too fast and I was home and back to the grind before I knew it but I loved every minute I was there. Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Alex Rayas!


Jane said...

Heh busiest lady on the block!! Great posts (its about time!!) and can you get me a copy of the pics of you and I and the one with me and my hubby??? Love you!!

Michelle said...

it was definitely a great couple of days! Love you guys so much!

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a busy October as well! Maybe we were in Fresno around the same time... So glad you were able to be there for a friend - roommates definitely have a special bond.

Leah said...

LOVED this weekend! It was so good to be with all the girls!

Love all posts! You are one busy, creative, fun, out-going girl! I REALLY wish we lived closer!!!

Working on a time when I can come visit, looking around march/april-ish. How's that for you?

Emily said...

You look so beautiful! Love the hair.