Friday, November 12, 2010

And of course there's Halloween

I was as lazy as you can get this year for Halloween. With a RS Meeting early October and one only a couple days into November with a trip to California and a HUGE girls' night party in between, I was a less than stellar mom and 20 minutes before heading to the ward's "Fall Festival" and trunk-or-treat, I grabbed one of Connor's past costumes for Tyler (yay Dinosaur!) and then headed to Connor's dresser for a conveniently matching blue shirt and sweat pants. A belt around the top of his waist on the outside of his shirt and the cape I made last year made a perfect "Musketeer". He insisted that musketeers wear boots and thankfully I knew exactly where I'd unpacked his snow boots. I gave him a foam sword which he traded for his drumstick and an old shield I ended up with after a RS Enrichment a couple years ago and presto! a full-fledged Musketeer.
We got 3 pumpkins but only ended up carving one and Connor did that one. You can see it on the porch in the Witch's Bash pictures.

Connor was a great sport trying to eat a doughnut off a string with no hands, throwing darts at balloons about 29 times til he hit one, and strutting his stuff down the catwalk when they showcased the costumes. Earlier that day he tried to convince me he could wear the puppy costume but as you can see, we discovered it didn't fit in the least! After playing hard at the Fall Festival both kids crashed hard and so did both parents when it was all over.


Josie said...

no wonder you haven't've been one busy chick!

Good to see updates and pictures...miss you guys!

Thaidra said...

Cute costumes!