Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We're in the home stretch of this semester but Carl's not the only one being tested. From Connor's croup to Tyler's pneumonia and ear infection (I think he's almost back to normal) to my recent acquiring of a MAJOR sinus infection (I've never had one before, so maybe that's why it feels so awful. My deepest sympathies to every person I know who's told me they have chronic allergies/sinusitis...anyone have any "home remedy" recommendations before my face explodes?) we've all been through a little bit of the refiner's fire. Carl is doing marvelously well and we're all anxious for him to wrap things up in the next 2 days (secretly hoping it means I can finally take a nap and maybe kick this lame infection).

Can't wait to celebrate on Friday!


Tamera said...

P's allergist recommends the NeilMed sinus rinse or netty pot. It seems to help. Remember to keep your fluid intake up b/c that helps too.

Michele said...

i love the cartoon! too cute! Good luck on finals and getting over the sickness.

Melody said...

Funny cartoon! And I hope you and your boys feel better soon!

Adele said...

I have friends who swear by Neti Pots... I haven't had a sinus infection in so long that I haven't tried it myself, but next time I get one, I'm going to try it. I think its worth a try!

Sarah said...

My doc always recommends the sinus washes (they're OTC). I honestly haven't used one, but other family members have and said they make you feel amazing! Good luck!

Dyanna Stephens said...

I love that cartoon. I hope that you and your boys feel better soon. I haven't had allergies until this year and it's terrible. Sinus infections are no fun, especially while taking care of sick kids.