Thursday, May 6, 2010

Different Results

I was discouraged today. Truly it was over something petty. I've been working out, doing P90x for the last week and a half and saw little results on the scale this morning. Disappointed, annoyed, and very discouraged I trailed around the house with a mopey face and a snap in my voice. I decided to catch up on some blogs and a good friend had this posted. How grateful I am right now that my biggest concern is those 20 lbs. Life IS beautiful, isn't it?


Melody said...

Such a beautiful message in that video, and such an incredible story of strength. She is amazing. I love reading her blog, cuz it always makes my day better. Thanks for posting this!

Becca said...

I saw this this morning too, LOVE IT!! Ok, we might be related. I've been feeling the same things you have lately!! It's good to remember that life is beautiful!! Thanks for the message!!

Michelle said...

well said my friend! And please don't get discouraged after a week and a half..that is too little time to see will feel them very soon though...stay with it!

The Smith Family said...

I love this woman's blog. Adam thinks it odd that she is my blogstalk-ee, but I find it facinating that she is so positive in the midst of something so unimaginably terrible. It throws all of my worries, fears, and frustrations in proper perspective I suppose. Hang in there Kristen. Slow and steady wins the race, right?:) I'm just proud that you can do even day 1 of P90x. Or that you CAN run for that matter. I have such a long way to go. We need to call each other more often to keep each other going on these goals, eh? Seriously, I'm totally not joking.

Leah said...

Thank you so much for posting this! I REALLY needed to hear that message! Again, Thanks!!!