Saturday, May 1, 2010

Come back!

It seems like it's been one sickness after another since moving here to Idaho. Whether it's the seemingly year-round winter or just the fact that they just keep re-infecting each other I'm not sure. What I do know is that I'm really missing the happy, full of energy, giggly, crazy boys who've been down and grumpy these last couple of weeks. Come back soon boys! Til then, I guess I'll just have to live on memories...Yes, he's IN the drawer. Perhaps he thinks if he "hides" there we'll quit trying to make him learn to walk on his own.

What can I say, he's got a flare for creativity. No doubt he is wearing some sort of superhero helmet and is embarking on a mission to "get the bad guys".


Trent and Mel said...

It must just be Idaho, we have been sick A LOT also, since moving here. Hopefully you guys will get better soon! And love your little creative boys!

Michelle said...

hahahah It's either creativity or you need to tell Carl to stop wearing his underwear on his head for Connor to see! hahah j/k Feel better boys!

Melody said...

LOL. :) Connor cracks me up! And your drawer-boy is just too cute! Hope your boys get back to 100% soon so that you can too! :)

The Smith Family said...

Cute! Glad you're all feeling better, sick kids are certainly no fun!