Friday, April 23, 2010

And in other news...

I threw another baby shower. It was SO much fun to plan. Haley looks fabulous and is anxiously waiting her first baby, a girl, due just 2 days after my brother and sister-in-law. We went with a bright pink, brown, and green theme with flowers. It's hard to see because of the lighting but the onesies are just cut out of scrapbook paper. I had help from my friend Fran who is also our RS Pres. She made a terrific chicken/pasta salad to go with our homemade rolls, fruit kabobs and dip, cupcakes (always!), and raspberry lemonade.
I filled clean baby food jars up with pink and green jelly beans, made a tag blanket, and a diaper cake. It was a small group of us but it was a lot of fun and I'm so excited for Haley! Congrats!

We've been busy with Carl finishing up school and me helping to scout out jobs he'd be interested in but we managed to give Tyler his first haircut. He LOVED it. I gave him a mirror to hold while I used the clippers and he was a happy camper. And of course since we had the clippers out already, Connor got a buzz too. He is such a delightful little boy. He has so much energy and imagination. He can often be heard throughout the house declaring "Ironman (or Underdog) is here!" He pretends to get all his armor on and then prances around saying "I will save you". He loves to help with "adult" chores like unloading and loading the dishwasher and is only too happy to be given the task to play with Tyler.
The boys love playing together. It has recently become a challenge having them share a room because they go down about the same time and as soon as I close the door thinking they're going to drift off peacefully into a quiet slumber I hear Connor screeching "HEL-LO!" and then all sorts of giggling from both parties. I usually tell Connor to go to sleep but not before wiping a smile and a couple giggles off my face first. I love them!
Also, I am SO proud of Carl. He's a hard-worker by nature but he has undoubtedly put in his time this semester. He has sacrificed countless hours of sleep and leisure time so he can not just do his homework but do it REALLY well. We are anxious for the next 3 weeks to pass but I confess I feel a tingle in my toes and a tickle in my tummy - we're almost there! Thanks for all the support and love!


Michelle said...

so this could be a new business idea for you huh? Baby shower planner..I cab totally vision it! :-) Great job!

The Smith Family said...

Looks like a fun baby shower, you're so creative! Those boys are so cute--they're getting so big. Don't you love it when they play well together? It cracks me up to hear my boys playing together, particularly the knock-knock jokes that they make up!:)

Natalie said...

What a fun shower! I love the PINK lemonade. ha ha!

Was it a one year program? Are you moving back?!

I know that sound well, of two brothers playing together. It makes me so happy to hear my boys happily playing and chatting away in their room together.

Josie said...

You are SO good at this! You need to move to arkansas....and I need to have another baby.
