Saturday, June 23, 2012

Happy Mother's Day to me...

It's been said of me before that my eyes are magnets for trouble.  Despite 20/20 vision, I have had more eye injuries than any other kind of problem it seems.  And for whatever reason, my injuries tend to coincide with holidays and celebrations.  Christmas, a few years back, while assembling my desk, I managed to get a small metal shard lodged in my eye and I couldn't open my eye for very long for about 2 weeks until I finally went to the dr. and they fished it out.  Of course, it was only a couple weeks later when I was assembling a new bookcase that I just so happened to catch a metal flake in the other eye.  And last year while watching a movie on my birthday and holding Tyler on my lap he threw his arms up in excitement and totally nailed me in the eye with his finger.  An emergency room trip and 3 days of recovery later, I could see again but as a result of these incidents and more I tend to receive safety glasses and other eye "accessories" from my family.

Well, far be it from me to interrupt the pattern that has been established.  That is why I could only smile, laugh, and curse my luck when on Mother's day this year Zachary threw up on me.  In my eye.

It's true that he's what they call a "happy spitter."  He doesn't really spit up though, it's much more fountain-like and projectile.  And when it landed ALL over my shirt, the couch, AND my eyeball, I wasn't surprised.  Thankfully some very thoughtful people sent me some Sharie's berries and they were delicious!  I love what the outer packaging says, "Perishable.  Once opened, contents may disappear immediately," and "Instructions: Close and lock door.  Hide behind large piece of furniture. Quietly open box. Savor and enjoy!"  Apparently my furniture isn't quite large enough because I had little helpers on either side of me with milliseconds. Regardless, it was a good couple of days and I didn't sustain any major injuries this time!