Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Little Piece of Heaven

The Sanity Reinforcement has arrived. I ordered this double jogging stroller 8 days ago and have been tracking its location ever since, desperate for some means of safely leaving the house (those of you who know Connor or have your own high-energy devious 2 year old know what I'm talking about). I was so excited when it got here that we snapped the wheels on and tossed the boys inside for a lovely spin around the house followed by a trip to the mall. I plan to use this EVERYDAY (well, until it snows...then maybe I'll have to reserve it for indoor use).

True to my word, we also used the stroller today to check out the local Farmer's Market. There are two here, one near our apartment in Ammon and one downtown in Idaho Falls. The downtown FM was fun but not nearly as cool as the Snake River Landing or Greenbelt or whatever it was we discovered just behind the FM. One thing we're loving about Idaho is the green. Beautiful!

And finally, my own little piece of heaven. Just before nodding off to sleep last night, Carl and I had a conversation that went something like this:
C: So is the library open on Saturdays?
K: Yeah. Why?
C: Because you should take a couple hours and just go hang out and get some you-time.
K: Yeah...maybe, that could be fun. (This last statement though truthful was relayed in an indifferent tone so as not to get overly excited should the opportunity really present itself).
But sure enough, the air never smelled so sweet as I was escorted/pushed out of the house this afternoon to soak in the quiet and liberty of being alone at the library. And may I say, we have a fabulous library! Thank you Carl for sending me/letting me go. It was so refreshing!


Janet said...

Wise husband you've got there!

Jane said...

SOOOOOO good to talk to you and just to say, it made me miss you more!!!!

Leah said...

I love the stroller! I'm glad you're getting settled in to your new place. Miss you!

Natalie said...

Ha- seriously, I LOVE the smell of libraries. What a nice alone time. I have to say I desperately miss being able to peruse the stacks on my own time, wandering around without having to chase two little boys! I'll have to mention this to my husband. Maybe he'll have me do the same!

S+S said...

wow, it really is beautiful, isn't it? Glad to see you enjoying the new place.