Wednesday, November 12, 2008

No Contest

One of the strange variances in Carl and my relationship is our wildly different opinions about ranch dressing. Carl despises it and feels stirrings in his stomach when he sees me eat it and I, well, let's be honest, ranch makes just about everything taste that much better. This vast chasm between us hasn't really affected our relationship...til now. Carl gets a point for winning Connor over to "Crunchy Cheese", the off-brand of Cheetos, and I get a whopping 10 for Connor's newfound obsession with ranch.

I made sweet potatoe fries the other day and thought Connor might get a kick out of dipping them in ranch dressing. He did, along with everything else on his plate including his zucchini and stuffing. Carl watched in horror I'm sure as Connor mopped up the ranch with each piece of food and occasionally just with his finger and when it was gone, he raised his cute little hand up in the air, pointed to the fridge and said, "moh?" Victory. Sweet, sweet victory. Now I just have to figure out how to temper it so he doesn't start requesting it straight out of the bottle.


Josie said...

hah! That's hilarious. I know there are some things that Bart is hoping Dave does (or doesn't) pick up.

Ketchup on mac and cheese horrifies me.

Bart hates anything with nuts and is hoping Dave despises them too--that way I won't ever have an excuse to add them to anything if I'm the only one who likes them. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.

The Boswells said...

Yes! Another for the Ranch side. My kids and I LOVE Ranch, it make it even worse I don't like it out of the bottle I have to make it from the powder. But when we have it, it disappears fast. I'm sorry to hear Connor has gone to generic cheetos' thats just wrong. :(

Vanessa said...

dude, my kids dip everything in ranch!

S+S said...

Request: Can you post the recipe for your sweet potato fries. Sounds good. Go ranch. Can't live without it. You married someone really wierd (j/k)!

Kirsten said...

How funny is this!! Ammon and I have the same ranch debate!! I grew on on the stuff...he despises it!! My kids LOVE it!! I get 40 points then!! ;-) Just kidding...

And....CONGRATS on your pregnancy!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy cow!! That is so exciting for you!!!! Good luck with everything!!!

Kyle & Melanie Kropf said...

We are both fond of Ranch Dressing, but Kyle likes it more than Melanie. Anyway, we currently have Kraft's Ranch Dressing in our refrigerator, and Melanie doesn't like it...Kyle doesn't either, but it's taken him 3 months to realize that after eating it for that amount of time. We decided that next time we're going to go with Hidden Valley's Ranch Dressing because the Kraft kind is sweet and doesn't really taste much like ranch dressing is supposed to. Anyway, kind of a random comment, but that ranch dressing picture on your blog was kinda out of the ordinary too, especially since we have been talking about ranch dressing lately during our meals. :p