Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Great Wedding Feast

Last Thursday night was met with more success than I ever imagined. After weeks of planning and preparing and advertising, we put on our annual Enrichment Night dinner and nearly 60 people showed up. It was beautiful, though by no fault of my own. We had an amazing team of truly talented sisters with a great eye for decoration (thank you Tiffani, Lisa, & Sarah!!) The food was also incredible, thinly sliced tri-tip, roasted potatoes, Caesar salad, rolls, & this delicious cranberry-pineapple-coconut crumbly cake stuff served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Again I was not responsible, the menu was concocted by our Martha Steward Double: Caralee (she’s also our 2nd Counselor, yay!).

Our theme, which was “Drop by Drop: The Great Wedding Feast,” based on the Parable of the 10 Virgins, was kept a secret until the sisters arrived where they were met by a couple of our young women dressed as a two of the ten virgins. The sisters gathered in the foyer and then were directed down the hall to the Relief Society room. The floor was lined with Christmas lights which provided the only light as they walked down the hall to the glow of the Relief Society room.

The Relief Society room was lit by two lamps to keep the feel of being late at night and the sisters sat facing a table decorated with a picture of the Savior and a Lisa’s gorgeous Christus statue. Next to the table we had a screen set up so the sisters could watch a video based on the picture book by Emily Freeman about the ten virgins. When the video was over, we had our two young women and two other sisters call out, “The Bridegroom is coming, the Bridegroom is coming!” They led the sisters in a procession to the “wedding feast”. They each held a pole that was tied to the corner of a white sheet like a canopy over the procession and led the sisters to the cultural hall.

I can’t describe the cultural so you’ll just have to look at the pictures.

We had the sisters file past the head table which featured a beautifully framed picture of the Savior and a bottle of oil among other things to the food tables.

They filled their plates and found a seat.

On the tables, as favors, we also had little bottles of oil (actually, it’s water with a hint of yellow food coloring), tied with raffia:
The poem says:
“Drop by drop we fill our lamps and light the flame within, So when we see His face again, we will be welcomed in.”

Caralee offered a few closing remarks between dinner and dessert and the rest of the time was spent with the sisters socializing. A big thank you to everyone who helped set up, serve & prepare dinner and dessert, and to all those who stayed after to help us clean up our mess! By all measures, we feel the evening was a great success!


Josie said...

Kristen thanks for working so hard on all this--what a great and spiritually uplifting evening. It was all fantastic.

Michelle said...

what a great turn-out and displays! I wish I could have been there! Your team does it once again my friend...Well done!

Caralee (CJ) Waddell said...

Kristen, without all of your dedication on preparing a wonderful video, the night would have been bleak in comparison! You are awesome and you are never allowed to move out of the ward by the way. Until December then...

Kerry said...

Im so sad I was out of town. I wanted to go so badly! I knew it was going to be amazing. We are thinking of doing something similar for our YW this month. You are so creative and I heard it was an awesome night.

I was in the car with my parents and Kim (in Hawaii) on Enrichment night and my Dad heard me sigh. He asked me what was wrong and I said, "Oh, I'm missing enrichment tonight and I'm really bummed about it." My whole family looked at me like I was crazy! So I added, "Well, Hawaii's not bad either..."